10 May 2009

the sunday superlative - 5/10/09

This Week: Yeah, I suck too.

We here at Friday Five Radio take our quality control seriously. That's why we never allow ourselves to post anything: because we suck. Lea's ongoing internet woes have already been disclosed, and they're duly noted. I, on the other hand, have no such excuse. All I'm doing this weekend is studying for finals, a masochistic endeavor that seems to mercilessly eat up every second of time I may (or may not, in some cases) have. So I apologize, like my co-DJ, for being unable to complete a full post this week because of this. (No, really. Words can't describe how much I'd rather be blogging about music than re-reading The Winter's Tale, a play that's dull and dreary even by Shakespeare's standards.)

And I know I've been slacking on my duties over the last couple weeks. Rest assured, though, that -- barring some cataclysmic or life-altering event -- I shall return in full form next week. School will be over, time will be freed up, and I will once again be able to fulfull my blogbligations.

I just created a word. See what I just did there? See how much I'm stalling so I won't have to get back to work?

I too have a single song to share. But I figured that since this blog is disappointment incarnate this week, I should hold true to the original mission of the Sunday Superlative. Enjoy.

Al Stewart - "Year of the Cat" (mp3|6.15MB)
If you held a gun to my head (please don't) and forced me to name my favorite song of all-time, this is the one that would pop out. Of course you can't hold me to that, and of course top favorites always change depending on mood, but no matter what I will always cite this as one of the most wonderful musical creations ever known to mankind. The lyrics are beautifully written and evocative ("She comes out of the sun in a silk dress, running like a watercolor in the rain"), the melody is so excellent that "gorgeous" seems too weak a word (the piano was never put to better use in any song, period), and the instrumental bridge -- complete with soaring violin, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and sax solos (oh, the sax) -- is breathtaking. This is one of the songs that defines why I love music. Whether or not you agree is beyond my control, but at least I can't say I didn't try. It's such a fine piece of work.
(from the 1976 album Year of the Cat)

Adios, amigos!

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