Of course, that's probably because I don't live there. (Not only is the grass not greener; it's nonexistent!)
The Uglysuit - "Chicago" (mp3|6.79MB): If you're going to put out music and classify it as pop, then your music better be poppy. I understand that not all pop music is required to be happy, but it'd better have a beat and catchy refrains or I will be sorely disappointed, my hopes crushed by dangling expectations. (Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. But you get the gist.) It's a good thing, then, that I decided to check out The Uglysuit. Their recent self-titled release is of a sweetly cheerful, melodic persuasion, and this track is probably my favourite of them all. Careful, though: you might need to brush your teeth afterward.
The Books - "Tokyo" (mp3|4.83MB): This track wants to don a silk robe and dance wildly around in a garden beneath a delicate snow of cherry blossom petals. Seriously. A mix of fervently plucked sixteenths from a guitar mixes beautifully with strings, synth, and the spoken word in this song from The Books' The Lemon of Pink. Though understated when I first listened to it, I realised soon that I just wasn't paying enough attention. There's some real beauty in here - you just need to pause and listen.
Doves - "N.Y." (mp3|2.30MB): As stated so frankly by my fellow internet DJ, Chris (also, notably, the person who first introduced me to Doves): It's absolutely impossible for this band to make bad music. Or even remotely mediocre music. Everything I've heard from this band has been incredible, and again I find that I'm kicking myself for not having found out about them earlier. Luckily, I was saved from my ignorance (as I have been many times before), and am now contently relishing this track, which is one of the best songs, I think, about picking up everything and running away to the city.
St. Vincent - "Paris is Burning" (mp3|6.06MB): I put off listening to St. Vincent's Marry Me for a very long time before curiosity finally got the better of me. Why? I honestly don't know. It was probably media hype that got me all conflicted and identity-crisis-y, but the end result is still the same: I thought it was okay. Not the best, definitely not the worst. However, this song had me from the moment I heard the chorus (one which, coincidentally, stuck in my head for two days afterward): We are waiting on a telegram to / Give us news of the war / I am sorry to report dear Paris / Is burning after all. Disquieting, yes, but expertly delivered.
Sufjan Stevens - "Chicago" (mp3|8.34MB): To be honest, this entire entry could have been comprised of Sufjan Stevens songs. Also, I can't say that the temptation didn't cross my mind once or twice. (Well, it was more like six or seven. But let's be reasonable.) Given that, it shouldn't be much of a surprise to know that this song was one of the highlights of 2005. Everyone's heard it; I don't care. It needs to be here. Sufjan's voice is beautiful, and no, I don't feel ashamed to use that adjective in reference to a guy. One of my personal favourite songs, bar none.
Bonus because I worked late AGAIN on Wednesday:
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (mp3|3.54MB): I really need Tiny Toon Adventures on DVD. (Don't judge me, foo'!) Hey, it isn't my fault. TMBG signed the contract. And now this song will be stuck in your head for HOURS. Ha ha.
I actually have next Wednesday's artist already written up (for the most part), so there will be NO EXCUSE for my negligence. Chris'll be here Sunday, though (and he's way better at the whole dependability thing than I am), so you won't have to wait long for more audio gold. But don't just take it from me. You've stuck by us this long, haven't you?
As always, send lovemail/hatemail/anymail related to the Friday Five to fridayfiveradio@gmail.com. Requests are always considered and welcomed. See you next week!
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